
My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

💴 Web tool that generates 5000 trillion yen-like characters on the server side - Dependency Latest Fork
JavaScript 0 2
Rust + Webview2
Rust 5 1
シンプルなブラウザでDiscordを開くやつ Rust + Webview2
Rust 0 0
🌐 Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers
JavaScript 0 0
⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes - Dependency Latest Fork
JavaScript 2 3
Github Profile|Pushed to
Composite action to commit and push changes to git using the email address of the GitHub Actions bot.
HTML 0 0
Automatic Active Server Selection.js
JavaScript 0 0
Discord Oauth2 でログインする → プロキシ先のサイトを表示
Github pages Template
Test Repo
JavaScript 0 0
Handshake Top-Level Domains nic.ioni-203t
v2 picocss|Github Pages + KeyBase identity (v1 materialize)
JavaScript 2 0